AAUP’s Data Show Weakening
Protections for Academic Freedom
Over the past few decades, the
tenure system in US higher education has eroded. At its best, the tenure system
is a big tent, designed to unite a diverse faculty within a system of common
professional values, standards, rights, and responsibilities. Tenure protects
academic freedom by insulating faculty from the whims and biases of
administrators, legislators, and donors, and provides the security that enables
faculty to speak truth to power and contribute to the common good through
teaching, research, and service activities.
The AAUP research department
has taken a look at the data around tenure and the casualization of faculty
labor. We looked at at overall trends and broke out data regarding full-time
contingent faculty and part-time and graduate-student instructors. Using data
drawn from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), our
findings highlight the current status of the academic labor system in US higher
education. At all US institutions combined, the percentage of instructional positions
that is off the tenure track amounted to 73 percent in 2016, the latest year
for which data are available. The highest percentage of contingent faculty
appears at two-year institutions, where tenure-track positions make up less
than 20 percent of faculty positions. While a little less than 50 percent of
faculty positions at master’s and baccalaureate institutions are part-time,
more than 65 percent of positions at two-year institutions are. Part-time
teaching positions tend to be the least secure and worst remunerated teaching
positions in higher education, with low per-course pay and few benefits. For
the most part, both full-and part-time non-tenure-track faculty roles are
insecure, unsupported positions with little job security and inadequate due
process protections.
Since the principal purpose of
tenure is to safeguard academic freedom, the trend toward an increasingly
contingent faculty is deeply worrisome. Free inquiry, free expression, and open
dissent are critical for student learning and the advancement of knowledge.
When faculty members can lose their positions because of their speech or
research findings, they cannot properly fulfill their core responsibilities to
advance and transmit knowledge.
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