Friday, November 23, 2012

Alexander Selchow

15. Januar 2011

Approximately 300 people took part in a gathering today to remember Alexander Selchow, murdered by Nazis in a suburb of Göttingen on the night of January 1st 1991.

Speeches were held by several antifascist groups (Jugend Antifa, Antifaschistische Linke International, Redical) as well as reformist organizations. Directly following the gathering, over 150 people took part in a brief spontaneous demonstration through Göttingens inner city, with chants pointing to the parallels between Nazi activity and state policy, as well as to the current case of a Göttingen antifascist who is „wanted“ by the police, and in solidarity with which the demonstration next Saturday in Göttingen is to take place.

You can read more detailed reports (in German) at the ALI website and at Monsters of Goettingen.

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