Monday, August 19, 2019

BEES are dying. Message from Common Dreams

Stunning new research shows that farmland is now 50 times more toxic to bees than it was a quarter century ago.

It's the first study to measure how deadly agricultural lands have become for insects—and it shows that when toxicity levels began to skyrocket, so did the massive bee die-off.

The massive global bee die-off is an environmental catastrophe that's being almost totally ignored by the mainstream corporate media. That's why Common Dreams is so essential for shining a bright light on studies like these and exposing the lies of Monsanto and co.

Common Dreams is working every day to shine a light on the massive global bee die-off. Will you make a donation today?

Scientists and beekeepers have been sounding the alarm for years about the global bee die-off. Last winter was the worst ever for the U.S., which lost 40% of its colonies.

There's no "both sides" to the bee apocalypse. Mountains of scientific evidence like this latest study show that pesticides like sulfoxaflor and neonicotinoids are the culprit.

But the chemical industry funds its own phony research to claim innocence, creating confusion in the media and giving the Trump administration an excuse to lift restrictions on bee-killing pesticides.

Just last month, Trump moved to allow widespread use of sulfoxaflor, ignoring the evidence. Before that, he shut down one of the most important federal studies on honeybee populations and repealed a ban on bee-killing pesticides in wildlife refuges.

The massive global bee die-off remains one of the least-reported environmental catastrophes ever, threatening our food supply and our ecosystems. When it is reported, it’s too often portrayed as a mystery—not a direct result of the widespread use of dangerous chemicals in agriculture.

Common Dreams is working to expose the chemical industry's lies. Will you donate to help support our reporting on bee-killing pesticides and help save the bees?

Thank you for all you do

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