Slavoj Žižek: The Cologne
attacks were an obscene version of carnival
Were the recent Cologne sex
attacks a deliberate assault on western values and a middle-class sense of
By Slavoj Zizek
Who are the “hateful eight”
in Quentin Tarantino’s film of the same name? The ENTIRE group of participants
- white racists and the black Union soldier, men and women, law officers and
criminals – they are all equally mean, brutal and revengeful. The most embarrassing
moment in the film occurs when the black officer (played by the superb Samuel
L. Jackson) narrates in detail and with obvious pleasure to an old Confederate
general how he killed his racist son, who was responsible for many black
deaths. After forcing him to march naked in cold wind, Jackson promises the
freezing white guy he will get a warm cover if he performs fellatio, but after
the guy does so, Jackson reneges on his promise and lets him die. So
there are no good guys in the struggle against racism – they are all engaged in
it with the utmost brutality. And is the lesson of the recent Cologne sex
attacks not uncannily similar to the lesson of the film? Even if (most of) the
refugees are effectively victims fleeing from ruined countries, this does not
prevent them from acting in a despicable way. We tend to forget that there is
nothing redeeming in suffering: being a victim at the bottom of the social
ladder does not make you some kind of privileged voice of morality and justice.
But this general insight is
not enough – one has to take a close look at the situation which gave birth to
Cologne incident. In his analysis of the global situation after the Paris
bombings1, Alain Badiou discerns three predominant types of subjectivity in
today’s global capitalism: the western “civilised” middle-class
liberal-democratic subject; those outside the west possessed by the “desire for
the west le desir d’Occident,” desperately endeavouring to imitate the
“civilised” life-style of the western middle classes; and the fascist
nihilists, those whose envy at the west turns into a mortal self-destructive
hatred. Badiou makes it clear that what the media call the “radicalisation” of
Muslims is Fascisation simple and pure:
“this fascism is the obverse
of the frustrated desire for the west which is organized in a more or less
military way following the flexible model of a mafia gang and with variable
ideological colorisations where the place occupied by religion is purely
The western middle class
ideology has two opposed features: it displays arrogance and belief in the
superiority of its values (universal human rights and freedoms threatened by
the barbarian outsiders), but, simultaneously, it is obsessed by the fear that
its limited domain will be invaded by the billions outside, who do not count in
global capitalism since they are neither producing commodities nor consuming
them. The fear of its members is that they will join those excluded.
The clearest expression of
the “desire for the west” are immigrant refugees: their desire is not a
revolutionary one, it is the desire to leave behind their devastated habitat
and rejoin the promised land of the developed west. (Those who remain behind
try to create there miserable copies of western prosperity, like the “modernised”
parts in every third world metropolis, in Luanda, in Lagos, etc, with
cafeterias selling cappuccinos, shopping malls, and so on).
But since, for the large
majority of pretenders, this desire cannot be satisfied, one of the remaining
options is the nihilist reversal: frustration and envy get radicalised into a
murderous and self-destructive hatred of the west, and people get engaged in
violent revenge. Badiou proclaims this violence a pure expression of death
drive, a violence that can only culminate in acts of orgiastic
(self)destruction, without any serious vision of an alternate society.
Badiou is right to emphasise
that there is no emancipatory potential in fundamentalist violence, however
anti-capitalist it claims to be: it is a phenomenon strictly inherent to the
global capitalist universe, its “hidden phantom”. The basic fact of
fundamentalist fascism is envy. Fundamentalism remains rooted in the desire for
the west in its very hatred of the west. We are dealing here with the standard
reversal of frustrated desire into aggressiveness described by psychoanalysis,
and Islam just provides the form to ground this (self)destructive hatred. This
destructive potential of envy is the base of Rousseau’s well-known distinction
between egotism, amour-de-soi (that love of the self which is natural), and amour-propre,
the perverted preferring of oneself to others in which a person focuses not on
achieving a goal, but on destroying the obstacle to it:
“The primitive passions,
which all directly tend towards our happiness, make us deal only with objects
which relate to them, and whose principle is only amour-de-soi, are all in
their essence lovable and tender; however, when, diverted from their objects by
obstacles, they are more occupied with the obstacle they try to get rid of,
than with the object they try to reach, they change their nature and become
irascible and hateful. This is how amour-de-soi, which is a noble and absolute
feeling, becomes amour-propre, that is to say, a relative feeling by means of which
one compares oneself, a feeling which demands preferences, whose enjoyment is
purely negative and which does not strive to find satisfaction in our own
well-being, but only in the misfortune of others.”2
An evil person is thus not
an egotist, “thinking only about his own interests”. A true egotist is too busy
taking care of his own good to have time to cause misfortune to others. The
primary vice of a bad person is that he is more preoccupied with others than
with himself. Rousseau is describing a precise libidinal mechanism: the
inversion which generates the shift of the libidinal investment from the object
to the obstacle itself. This could well be applied to fundamentalist violence –
be it the Oklahoma bombings or the attack on the Twin Towers. In both cases, we
were dealing with hatred pure and simple: destroying the obstacle, the Oklahoma
City Federal Building, the Twin Towers, was what really mattered, not achieving
the noble goal of a truly Christian or Muslim society.3
Such a fascisation can exert
a certain attraction to the frustrated immigrant youth which cannot find a
proper place in western societies or a prospect to identify with – fascisation
offers them an easy way out of their frustration: an eventful risky life
dressed up in a sacrificial religious dedication, plus material satisfaction
(sex, cars, weapons…). One should not forget that the Islamic State is also a
big mafia trading company selling oil, ancient statues, cotton, arms and
women-slaves, “a mixture of deadly heroic propositions and, simultaneously, of
western corruption by products”.
It goes by itself that this
fundamentalist-fascist violence is just one of the modes of violence that
pertains to global capitalism, and that one should bear in mind not only the
forms of fundamentalist violence in western countries themselves
(anti-immigrant populism, etc), but above all the systematic violence of
capitalism itself, from the catastrophic consequences of global economy to the
long story of military interventions. Islamo-Fascism is a profoundly reactive
phenomenon in Nietzschean sense of the term, an expression of impotence
converted into self-destructive rage.
While agreeing with the
overall thrust of Badiou’s analysis, I find three of its claims
problematic. First, the reduction of religion, the religious form of fascist
nihilism, to a secondary superficial feature: “Religion is only a clothing, it
is in no way the heart of the matter, only a form of subjectivisation, not the
real content of the thing.” Badiou is totally right in his claim that the
search for the roots of today’s Muslim terrorism in ancient religious texts
(the “it is all already in Quran” story) is misleading: one should instead
focus on today’s global capitalism and conceive Islamo-fascism as one of the
modes to react to its lure by way of inverting envy into hatred. But is, from a
critical standpoint, religion not always a kind of clothing, rather than the
heart of the matter? Is religion not in its very core a “form of
subjectivisation” of people’s predicament? And does this not imply that a
clothing IS in some sense the “heart of the matter”, the way individuals
experience their situation – there is no way for them to step back and see
somehow from outside how things “really are”… Then, the all too fast
identification of refugees and migrants with a “nomadic proletariat”, a
“virtual vanguard of the gigantic mass of the people whose existence is not
counted prise en compte in the world the way it is”.
Are migrants (mostly, at
least) not those most strongly possessed by the “desire for the west”, most
strongly in the thrall of hegemonic ideology?
Finally, the naïve demand that we
“go and see who is this
other about whom on talks, who are they really. We have to gather their
thoughts, their ideas, their vision of things, and inscribe them, and ourselves
simultaneously, into a strategic vision of the fate of humanity”.
Easy to say, difficult to
do. This other is, as Badiou himself describes, utterly disoriented, possessed
by the opposing attitudes of envy and hatred, a hatred which ultimately
expresses its own repressed desire for the west (which is why hatred turns into
a self-destruction). It is part of a naive humanist metaphysics to presuppose
that beneath this vicious cycle of desire, envy and hatred, there is some
“deeper” human core of global solidarity. Stories abound about how, among the
refugees, many Syrians are an exception: in transition camps they clean the
dirt they leave behind, they behave in a polite and respectful way, many of
them are well-educated and speak English, they often even pay for what they
consume... in short, we feel they are like ourselves, our educated and
civilised middle classes.
It is popular to claim that
the violent refugees represent a minority, and that the large majority has a
deep respect for women… while this is of course true, one should nonetheless
cast a closer look into the structure of this respect: what kind of woman is
“respected”, and what is expected from her? What if a woman is “respected”
insofar (and only insofar) as she fits the ideal of a docile servant faithfully
doing her home chores, so that her man has the right to explode in fury if she
“goes viral” and acts in full autonomy?
Our media usually draw a
distinction between “civilised” middle-class refugees and “barbarian”
lower class refugees who steal, harass our citizens, behave violently towards
women, defecate in public... Instead of dismissing all this as racist
propaganda, one should gather the courage to discern a moment of truth in it:
brutality, up to outright cruelty towards the weak, animals, women, etc, is a
traditional feature of the “lower classes”; one of their strategies of
resisting those in power always was a terrifying display of brutality aimed at
disturbing the middle-class sense of decency. And one is tempted to read in
this way also what happened on New Year’s Eve in Cologne – as an obscene
lower-class carnival:
“German police are
investigating reports that scores of women were sexually assaulted and mugged
in Cologne city centre during New Year’s Eve celebrations, in what a minister
called a ‘completely new dimension of crime’. According to the police, those
allegedly responsible for the sex attacks and numerous robberies were of Arab
and north African origin. Over 100 complaints were filed to police, a third of
which were linked to sexual assault. The city centre turned into a ‘lawless
zone’: between 500 and 1000 men described as drunk and aggressive are believed
to have been behind the attacks on partygoers in the centre of the western German
city. Whether they were working as a single group or in separate gangs remains
unclear. Women reported being tightly surrounded by groups of men who harassed
and mugged them. Some people threw fireworks into the crowds, adding to the
chaos. One of the victims had been raped. A volunteer policewoman was among
those said to have been sexually assaulted.”4
As expected, the incident is
growing: now over 500 complaints have been filed from women, with similar
incidents in other German cities (and in Sweden). There are indications that
attacks were coordinated in advance, plus right-wing anti-immigrant barbarian
“defenders of the civilised west” are striking back with attacks on immigrants,
so that the spiral of violence threatens to be unleashed… And, as expected, the
politically correct liberal Left mobilised its resources to downplay the
incident in the same way it did in the case in Rotherham.
But there is more, much
more, to it: the Cologne carnival should be located in the long line whose
first recorded case reaches back to Paris of the 1730s, to the so-called “Great
Cat Massacre” described by Robert Darnton5, when a group of printing
apprentices tortured and ritually killed all the cats they could find,
including the pet of their master’s wife. The apprentices were literally
treated worse than cats adored by the master’s wife, especially la grise (the
grey), her favorite. One night the boys resolved to right this inequitable
state of affairs: they dumped sack-loads of half-dead cats in the courtyard and
then strung them up on an improvised gallows, the men delirious with joy,
disorder, and laughter... Why was the killing so funny?
During carnival the common
people suspended the normal rules of behavior and ceremoniously reversed the
social order or turned it upside down in riotous procession. Carnival was high
season for hilarity, sexuality, and youth run riot, and the crowd often
incorporated cat torture into its rough music. While mocking a cuckold or some
other victim, the youths passed around a cat, tearing its fur to make it howl. Faire
le chat, they called it. The Germans called it Katzenmusik, a term that may
have been derived from the howls of tortured cats. The torture of animals,
especially cats, was a popular amusement throughout early modern Europe. The
power of cats was concentrated on the most intimate aspect of domestic life:
sex. Le chat, la chatte, le minet mean the same thing in French slang as
“pussy” does in English, and they have served as obscenities for centuries.
So what if we conceive of
the Cologne incident as a contemporary version of faire le chat? As a
carnivalesque rebellion of the underdogs? It wasn't the simple urge for
satisfaction of sexually starved young men – this could be done in a more
discreet, hidden way – it was foremost a public spectacle of installing fear
and humiliation, of exposing the “pussies” of the privileged Germans to painful
helplessness. There is, of course, nothing redemptive or emancipatory, nothing
effectively liberating, in such a carnival – but this is how actual carnivals
This is why the naive
attempts to enlighten immigrants (explaining to them that our sexual mores are
different, that a woman who walks in public in a mini skirt and smiles does not
thereby signal sexual invitation, etc.) are examples of breath-taking stupidity
– they know this and that's why they are doing it. They are well aware that
what they are doing is foreign to our predominant culture, but they are doing
it precisely to wound our sensitivities. The task is to change this stance of
envy and revengeful aggressiveness, not to teach them what they already know
very well.
The difficult lesson of this
entire affair is thus that it is not enough to simply give voice to the
underdogs the way they are: in order to enact actual emancipation, they have to
be educated (by others and by themselves) into their freedom.
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