Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Shall now all eroticism be disenchanted? In what kind of boring times do we live?

Feminists want to liberate the female body from the stigmata of patriarchy: The vulva is also to be reconquered. The methods for this liberation struggle are unsexy on several levels.

Slavoj Žižek14.3.2019, 05:30 clock

The fight against genuine (and alleged) sexism has long been at a standstill. Feminists meanwhile demand that we should stop fetishizing the female breast. Ironically she! Instead, one should consider the breast as a normal part of the female body. For this fight of liberated nipples, women in larger cities even take part in protest marches. The goal here is obviously the Ent-Erotisierung, yes the re-normalization of the female body.
If we continue this logic of thinking, we come to a new demand: The sexual object is to be demystified in itself. This can be seen on the books of Laura Dodsworth: After the photographer had published two works with portraits of penises and breasts, she photographed now in her new book 100 Vulvas. "The vulva is often associated with sexual activity," says Dodsworth, "and we've talked about so many areas that are rather unsexy: menstrual cycles, menopause, infertility, miscarriages, abortions, pregnancy, birth, cancer."
The mysterious object
Soon "Vagina: A Re-education" will be published, a book by British author Lynn Enrights. Liv Strömquist's bestselling "Fruit of Knowledge" (subtitle: "Vulva vs. Patriarchy and with stabs at Freud") deals with the vulva and menstruation. There is a British musical called "Vulvarine". Live events in which the body is recaptured are enjoying great popularity, from "body-positivity" courses in life drawing to "pussy exploration workshops".
Is this really a progress? If so, then we should consistently finish this idea and also demystify and defecate excrement. Some of us may still remember the scene from Buñuel's "Le fantôme de la liberté", in which the functions of eating and leaving are reversed: people sit around a table in their toilets, conversing nicely and eating something They ask quietly and shame the housekeeper: "Where is the dining room?"
The argument behind this phenomenon is clear: The male fetishization of the vagina as the ultimate mysterious object of (male) desire must be overcome. Instead, the vulva for women is to be reconquered, in all the complexity that is free from sexist myths.
Banal needs
What's wrong with that? Let's go back to Buñuel: There are a number of films dealing with the same motive, in Buñuel's own words: "the inexplicable impossibility of satisfying a simple need". For example, in "L'Age d'or" a couple wants to have sex, which is repeatedly prevented by nonsensical accidents; In "Ensayo de un crimen" the hero wants to commit a murder, but all attempts fail; in "El ángel exterminador" a group of young rich people fails to break the threshold after a party to leave the house; Finally, in Cet obscur objet du désir, the paradoxical behavior of a woman is shown, who, through various tricks, repeatedly shifts the joyous reunion with her old love.
What is common to all these films? It is impossible to carry out a simple everyday action when the action occupies the impossible place of the (exalted) "thing" and thus begins to embody the sublime object of desire. But as soon as the object occupies the forbidden, empty space of the other, a whole heap of insurmountable hurdles arises. The thing remains unattainable.
Loss of eroticism
Here we should recall Jacques Lacan's definition of sublimation: "An object is raised to the dignity of the thing". An ordinary thing or action suddenly appears in a sort of short circuit as the appearance of the impossible real thing. Therefore - in reverse - in the intense erotic game, one wrong word, one false gesture, is enough to trigger a violent desublimation. We fall from one moment to the other from the erotic tension into vulgar copulation.
Imagine that one, driven by erotic passion, takes a close look at the beloved woman's vagina, trembling, as the pleasure comes in as expected. But then something happens: as if one had lost contact with her, one falls out of erotic pleasure, and the flesh before the eyes suddenly appears in all its vulgar reality, with the smell of urine and sweat (you can feel the same Also present scene with a penis). So what happens here?
The vagina ceases to be an object "raised to the dignity of the thing," and becomes part of the ordinary reality again. In this precise sense, sublimation is not the opposite of sexualization but the same.
Repressive desublimation
Even in the erotic it is therefore only a small step between the sublime and the ridiculous. The sexual and the comic act are mutually exclusive. The sexual act represents intimate employment par excellence, a situation in which the participant can never take on the attitude of the ironic, external observer. And for that reason, the sexual act may seem ridiculous even to those who are not directly involved in it. The comical effect comes from the discrepancy between the intensity of the act and the indifferent calm of everyday life.
This brings us back to the attempts to "demystify" the vulva. To use an old adage, those who do this do not realize that they are dumping the baby in the bath. The attack of the feminists on the idea of ​​the vagina as a fetishized object of male desire is thus also an attack on the basic structure of sublimation, without which the erotic would not exist - what would then remain would be a boring ordinary world in which no more erotic tension existed between people. The "fetishized" organs would then give the feminists what they are: body organs.
The moment when we recognize the arbitrary nature of sublimation (any simple object can be lifted to the level of the impossible thing) also makes it clear that sexual sublimation can be easily liberated from the alleged patriarchal mystification. But what we get instead of this new sphere of eroticism is a version of what Adorno and Horkheimer - the two masters of Marxism at the Frankfurt School - called "repressive de-sublimation": the result is not a new freedom, but the gray one Reality in which sex is completely suppressed. Is that what we want?

Translated by Judith Basad.

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