Monday, September 23, 2019

As we speak, the current administration is attempting to cover up the fact that Donald Trump tried to use the Presidency to coerce a foreign power to intervene in the 2020 election. And Democrats are still dragging their feet on impeachment.

After a whistleblower was brave enough to come forward, the Trump Administration went into full damage control mode. They denied that Trump had said anything untoward, and that the call didn’t mention any of his opponents. In their story, the whistleblower was just another partisan.

Then, the Wall Street Journal reported that Trump’s statement was a complete lie — that actually, in his call with the Ukrainian President, he pressured the foreign leader into working with his personal lawyer to investigate a Democratic candidate not once, not twice, but eight separate times.

Why should we expect anything different? If Trump faces no consequences for his lawless conduct, he’ll continue it — because he knows that as long as Democratic lawmakers refuse to act, he’ll get away free. Because right now, Donald Trump is above the law.

We need Democrats in Congress who will act courageously — like Alexandria, Rashida, Ilhan, and Ayanna — instead of ones who will stand by as our democracy crumbles around us. Will you donate $3 to help us fight for impeachment, and replace the Democrats who choose cowardice over courage?

The United States is currently in the process of negotiating financial support for Ukraine, and that was supposed to be a major topic of discussion on Trump’s call.

Let’s be clear here: conflating an investigation of a Democratic candidate for President, personally asking a foreign leader to work with your own attorney, and then pivoting to a discussion on a massive financial aid package for a nation is extortion and bribery. The obvious implication is that Trump will be more likely to cough up financial aid if the Ukrainian president does what he says.

This is just the beginning. We’re still over a year away from the 2020 election — and if Trump is not only willing to wield the oval office to skew an election, but is also surrounded by people in his administration that will lie to cover for him, we’re facing an existential crisis of democracy.

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