While it’s still
early days in the primary season, Bernie Sanders’ victory
over Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire has raised hopes among his supporters
that the veteran Democratic socialist could be the party’s presidential
candidate come November.
Last week, in the wake of the
Iowa caucuses, we asked our readers in the US to tell us who their preferred
Democratic candidate would be. We received a staggering number of responses:
over 12,000, in just a few days. The overwhelming majority told us they were
backing Sanders.
Unsurprising, perhaps. Given
our readership, it was expected that Sanders would get a strong showing in such
a call-out. But the sheer strength of feeling and heartfelt responses reminded
us of when we
asked our readers about another unlikely candidate: the British Labour party’s
Jeremy Corbyn.
Here are 10 reasons our readers
gave for supporting Sanders over Clinton.
1) He’s seen as a challenge to
the status quo...
What came through loud and
clear was the fury at mainstream American politics, echoing the populist
support for (the really rather different) Donald Trump on the Republican side.
Sanders appeals to those who feel the entire democratic system has broken down.
Sanders is representing my
interests. For decades American politics have been a sham, elections bought and
paid for by special interests and corporations. They have wrecked the
environment, caused the biggest financial crisis in history and are using their
deep pockets and for profit agendas to marginalize people’s needs even further.
Shaz Plunkett, Los Angeles CA
2) ... whereas Clinton is
viewed as more of the same
Clinton paints herself as the
pragmatist who gets things done, but after New Hampshire she may need to
further emphasise her progressive credentials if she’s going to win over those
turning to Sanders.
I have no grudge with Hillary Clinton,
but she had her chance eight years ago. She is old news, with plenty of
controversy, baggage and history that will bring out Republicans in droves to vote
against her.
Steve Guion, Fairfax, Virginia
3) Sanders’ consistency is
judged a virtue
The phrase ‘flip-flopping’ may
bring back memories of John Kerry’s doomed presidential campaign in 2004, but
our readers were keen to attach it to Clinton. The consistency of Sanders’
views was seen as a major plus.
I’m tired of the rich getting
richer, and having to work harder for less. I saw my parents lose so much of
their retirement in the Wall Street crash and no one on Wall Street paid for
that. My college education has done me no good but I still have student loans,
and none of my kids were able to attend college because of the recession. We
deserve change in this country, from someone who has consistently fought that
Danielle Banz, Monroe, Washington
4) They’re suspicious of Clinton’s ties with Wall Street
Sanders has made plenty of
capital – if you’ll excuse the pun – from emphasising
Clinton’s close ties with Wall Street. It’s an attack line we’re bound to
see repeated in future debates.
Sanders is the only candidate
who prioritizes campaign finance reform. Hillary Clinton is one of the biggest
beneficiaries of our current broken system, and has no reason to change it. If
she wins it will be because of Wall Street money. I can’t vote for that.
Walker Bragman, East Hampton,
New York
5) They’re demanding
‘revolutionary’ change...
Clinton has aimed to paint
Sanders’ pitch to the nation as unrealistic, but there was a real sense of
exhaustion with triangulation and incremental change.
He is the only candidate that
is standing for poor and middle income people. With the constant attacks on our
pensions, our unions, our health care, our public schools, etc, Bernie is the
only candidate that is promising to do something for us: free college, reduction
in student loans, health care for all, etc. In addition, he is honest and is
refusing to accept corporate or billionaire donations to his campaign
Jannike Johnsen, Washington
6) ... and they think it’s too
late for baby steps
Again echoing Trump’s
rhetoric, albeit from a very different political viewpoint, were the readers
who felt this is the best chance for a generation to instigate serious change
at the top. What Clinton dismisses as unrealistic, Sanders voters view as the
last chance for America.
Money in politics, income
inequality, $15 minimum wage, free college, breaking up the banks, holding Wall
Street accountable, reforming the criminal justice system: Bernie has vision
and is engaging us in the hard work that needs to be done to achieve this
progressive agenda, which the Clinton Democrats have tried to
convince us is impossible. Nothing is impossible if we come together and demand
change. Bernie knows that and the time has come for democratic socialists to
share a our vision for our future that will benefit all Americans.
Tenaya Wallace, Los Angeles,
7) Climate change is an
existential threat
And talking of the urgent need
for change, our readers felt no issue is more stark than that of climate change
– and that Sanders is the only candidate prepared to tackle it.
I believe that climate change
is the worst long-term threat we face and that we must work to combat it by
increasing our alternative energy sources.
Sidney Bennett, Nashville
A Bernie Sanders supporter
arrives with campaign posters outside the town hall as local residents vote for
the first US presidential primary in Canterbury, New Hampshire. Photograph:
Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images
8) It’s not just about the
We heard from a wide range of
Sanders’ backers, from teenagers to octonogenarians. The
older voters in
particular were keen to emphasise his popularity across the age spectrum.
For many, this is their first
foray into politics, the first time they are getting behind a candidate.
They’re excited and horrified as they see “I campaign politics as usual”. The
people who admonish them forget what it was like when they were that age and
their zeal and determination helped to bring about the end of the Vietnam war. And
despite what you see on TV or read in the paper, it isn’t only young people
supporting Bernie. The media portrays it that way, but it’s much bigger than
that. I’m one of Bernie’s older supporters. There are a lot of us too.
Laura Veralli, New York
9) They see him as a conduit
for change rather than a miracle worker
Our readers were keen to
emphasise that for Sanders to succeed, it would take a genuine democratic
popular movement and grassroots organisation on a huge scale – something that
needs to happen now in order to maintain the momentum of his campaign.
Sanders energizes people to
get involved. He admits that even as President, nothing will change if the
people of the United States don’t get involved to demand change
Jill Kapson, Chicago, Illinois
10) They’re angry as hell
Amid the hope and optimism
that Sanders could lead America to a better future, there was much frustration
at the iniquities of the US system and the inability of generations of leaders
– including Obama – to affect any kind of meaningful change. From NSA
surveillance to the bailing out of the banks, Sanders’ campaign is fuelled by
plenty of anger.
I became disillusioned with
politics watching Nixon go down when I was 16 and discussing it in civics
class. The first vote I ever cast was for Jimmy Carter two years later – a man
whose personal integrity has been evident to this day. My young hopes and
idealism were crushed when he was not reelected. Ever since, I have been forced
to choose the lesser of two evils time and time again.
I am no fool. I know that his
proposals will be extremely hard to bring about. But I have been waiting all my
adult life for another politician with personal integrity, who walks the talk.
Debra Vogel, Frederick,
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