Saturday, July 6, 2024

Ukraine's Center for Countering Disinformation website




About Center for Countering Disinformartion

About Center for Countering Disinformartion

CENTER FOR COUNTERING DISINFORMATION (hereinafter referred to as the Center) is a working body of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, established in accordance with the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine of March 11, 2021 “On the Establishment of the Center for Countering Disinformation”, enacted by the Decree of the President of Ukraine of March 19, 2021 No. 106.

The Center ensures the implementation of measures to counter current and projected threats to the national security and national interests of Ukraine in the information space, ensure information security of Ukraine, identify and counteract disinformation, effectively counter propaganda, destructive information influences and campaigns, and prevent attempts to manipulate public opinion.

In its activities, it covers trends in informing about the state of military affairs, defense industry, fight against crime and corruption, foreign and domestic policy, economy, critical infrastructure, environment, healthcare, social sphere, shaping public consciousness, science and technology, etc.

The main focus is on countering the spread of false information and combating information terrorism.

The Center operates in accordance with the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, international treaties of Ukraine, this Regulation, as well as orders of the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

The main tasks of the Center are:

1) to analyze and monitor events and phenomena in the information space of Ukraine, the state of information security and Ukraine’s presence in the global information space;

2) identifying and studying current and projected threats to Ukraine’s information security, factors that influence their formation, forecasting and assessing the consequences for the security of Ukraine’s national interests;

3) to provide the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and the Chairman of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine with information and analytical materials on ensuring the information security of Ukraine, detecting and counteracting disinformation, effectively counteracting propaganda, destructive information influences and campaigns, preventing attempts to manipulate public opinion;

4) preparing and submitting proposals to the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, the Chairman of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine on:

defining conceptual approaches in the field of countering disinformation and destructive information influences and campaigns;

coordinating the activities and interaction of executive authorities on national security issues in the information sphere, ensuring information security, detecting and counteracting disinformation, effectively counteracting propaganda, destructive information influences and campaigns, and preventing attempts to manipulate public opinion;

implementation of systemic measures aimed at strengthening the capacities of the security and defense sector entities and other state bodies to ensure information security, detect and counter disinformation, effectively counter propaganda, destructive information influences and campaigns, prevent attempts to manipulate public opinion, and develop national infrastructure in the relevant area;

improvement of the system of legal and scientific support for information security, detection and counteraction to disinformation, effective counteraction to propaganda, destructive information influences and campaigns, prevention of attempts to manipulate public opinion;

5) participation in the development of the strategic communications system, organization and coordination of measures for its development;

6) participation in the development and implementation of the Information Security Strategy of Ukraine, analysis of the state of its implementation, in particular on the effectiveness of measures to counter disinformation;

7) participation in the creation of an integrated system for assessing information threats and prompt response to them;

8) developing a methodology for identifying threatening information materials of a manipulative and disinformation nature;

9) promoting interaction between the state and civil society institutions to counter disinformation and destructive information influences and campaigns, organizing and participating in information and education activities to increase media literacy in society;

10) study, summarize and analyze the experience of other states and international organizations in countering disinformation and prepare proposals for its use in Ukraine;

11) participates in determining priorities for attracting international technical assistance on information security, detecting and countering disinformation, effectively countering propaganda, destructive information influences and campaigns, and preventing attempts to manipulate public opinion.

Today, the Center is actively involved in countering russian aggression.

Its priorities are:

promptly informing the public;

detecting disinformation and manipulations;

ensuring information security;

fighting information terrorism.

Don’t give in to manipulation, only read reliable information!

  • 22 December, 2021

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