Sunday, August 9, 2020

Message from Movement for a People’s Party

In one week, the DNC will have Biden, the Clintons and John Kasich at the Democratic Convention. In two weeks, the RNC will have Trump, Pence and McConnell at the Republican Convention. And in three weeks, MPP will have Sen. Nina Turner, Dr. Cornel West and Jimmy Dore at The People’s Convention!

When we tell the story of how the American Political Revolution was won, we will recount The People’s Convention of 2020 as the moment that people from all walks of life willed a new future for our country into reality.

Please donate to make The People’s Convention the most remarkable gathering that it can be. If you can, become a Sustaining Donor with a monthly contribution to power our movement from the Convention to The People’s Party.

Read our press release below and sign up to digitally attend The People’s Convention on August 30, from 4-6 pm ET, with a historic vote to form a major new party and a regional organizing breakout session at the conclusion of the event.

With heart,

Nick Brana
National Coordinator
Movement for a People’s Party

RSVP for The People's Convention

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