Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Message from Congressional Progressive Caucus Center

Early Saturday morning, the House passed critical legislation to provide emergency paid sick and family days for certain workers, expanded unemployment insurance, and free testing for people who are affected by the coronavirus.

This legislation now moves to the Senate. The Senate must act immediately to pass this legislation, and the President must quickly sign it. While this is a good start, more must be done for families who will feel real financial strain for months to come.

The Congressional Progressive Caucus Center will be calling for expanding sick days, direct cash assistance to low-income families, and other strong responses to help families weather this crisis.

Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter as we release more plans, reports, and action alerts.

Future legislation must:
Expand paid sick days and paid family leave protections to all workers
Guarantee coronavirus treatment and prevention at no out-of-pocket cost, regardless of insurance or immigration status
Provide all necessary protections for health care workers and other at-risk workers
Direct cash assistance to low- and moderate-income households, including those who are not currently working and those in the gig economy
Protect people who are unable to make mortgage, rent, student loan, insurance, or other bill payments during the coronavirus pandemic
Provide child care assistance for those who must go to work despite school closures
Adopt humane measures to prevent spread of coronavirus among people who are incarcerated and immigrants in detention
Expand voting at home to ensure all voters can participate in our democracy during this crisis
We cannot leave families and communities to weather this storm alone. The Congress and administration must act immediately to mitigate the damage to our families and communities.

Help us increase public support for a stronger response to the coronavirus crisis.

Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter to help us build public pressure to put working families first.

Thanks for standing up.

-- The Congressional Progressive Caucus Center team

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