Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Bolivia: Over 147,000 Voters Disqualified From Next Election

TeleSUR. March 16, 2020

The citizens reported as disqualified, who claim their right to vote, will be able to do so from 16 to 22 March, and present their restoration appliances and complaints to the offices of the Civic Registration Service in each department and abroad in the consulates or embassies.

The Bolivian Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) disqualifiedmore tan 147 000 citizens from the voter registration on March 15.

TSE’s president Salvador Romero, designated by de facto president Jeanine Áñez, stated that of those limited to the vote will be 147,064 national residents.

The department of Santa Cruz has the highest number of disqualified electors, 41,813, followed by La Paz with 29,852 and Cochabamba with 25,670. The Movimiento al Socialismo, a leftist party led by Evo Morales, leads the voting for now. This data was offered by several polling companies who affirmed that Luis Arce, MAS presidential candidate, is ahead on the balloting with 31.6 %. As the governmental body reports, 301 of the limited balloters live abroad: 182 in South America, 25 in North America, 93 in Europe, and 1 in Asia.

Among the disabled causes, as TSE exposed, are the documentation errors, underage, interdepartmental inscription, possible double identity or identity theft and a departmental TSE suspension. According to Romero, the disabled voters' list includes citizens who did not vote in the 2016 referendum or judicial elections in 2016.

The citizens reported as disqualified, who claim their right to vote, will be able to do so from 16 to 22 March, and present their restoration appliances and complaints to the offices of the Civic Registration Service in each department and abroad in the consulates or embassies.

It also can be requested using the email address reclamos2020@oep.org.bo.

Despite the current situation of the Andean nation due to Covid-19, Romero announced the next elections will remain on Schedule, on May 3rd.

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