During last week’s debate in
Iowa, Democrats drew familiar battle lines on a number of issues, including
health care, climate change, trade policy, and America’s endless wars in the
Middle East. One question that was not debated was whether a female
candidate can win the presidential election — literally everyone on the stage,
with the possible
exception of Joe Biden, is agreed on that point. Of course a woman can win.
For most Democratic voters,
the real question was the
same as it has been since the primary began: Who is the strongest
candidate to defeat Donald Trump?
With a friendly assist
from CNN’s
moderators, Elizabeth Warren used the podium to deliver an applause line
about her superior prowess as a general election candidate — and take a
not-so-veiled shot at Bernie Sanders. “Look at the men on the stage,” she said.
“Collectively, they have lost ten elections.” Here Warren was apparently
counting Sanders’s four runs for office on the fringe Liberty Union Party
ticket in the 1970s, along with his two failed independent bids in the 1980s.
She continued:
The only people on this stage
who have won every single election they’ve been in, are the women. And the only
person who has beaten an incumbent Republican any time in the past thirty years
is me . . . The real danger that we face as Democrats is picking a candidate
who can’t pull our party together or someone who takes for granted big parts of
the Democratic constituency. We need a candidate who will excite all parts of
the Democratic Party, bring everyone in, and give everyone a Democrat to
believe in. That’s my plan, and that is why I’m going to win.
Warren was touting her
supposed status as a unifying figure among Democrats — an ironic gesture for a
candidate who, by continuing to allege that Sanders dismissed the idea a woman
could win the election, was in the process of burning
her last bridges to many of his supporters.
But even leaving aside this
recent fracas, the larger problem with Warren’s electability argument is plain.
To win in November, Democrats do not need to unite “all parts” of their party:
they need to win more votes than Donald Trump, especially in key battleground
Warren will struggle to match
even Hillary Clinton’s historically poor record in Republican-trending rural
and small-town communities.
That means that three groups
of voters are especially critical, none of which voted Democrat in the last
cycle: Obama voters who defected to Trump, Obama voters who did not vote in
2016, and people who typically do not vote at all. Bernie Sanders, as Meagan
Day and I have argued in
detail, is the strongest candidate to win all three of these key groups.
But since Warren raised the issue of the candidates’ electoral history, it’s
worth diving even deeper into the records of the two New England senators vying
for the “progressive lane” in the Democratic primary. Who has had more success
winning over independents and Republicans, and who has brought more voters to
the polls, Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren?
Sanders Has Won Big for
Decades — But Warren Just Squeaks By
At every level, the evidence
is overwhelming: for nearly thirty years, Sanders has consistently run well
ahead of the Democratic ticket in Vermont, with special strength in the state’s
most conservative areas. In Massachusetts, meanwhile, Warren has consistently
underperformed relative to national and state Democrats, with special weakness
in the state’s most conservative areas.
A closer look at their 2018
reelection campaigns, in particular, shows that while Sanders continues to
perform remarkably well in Trump-voting districts, Warren will struggle even to
match Hillary Clinton’s historically poor record in Republican-trending rural
and small-town communities.
For progressive voters who
want to back a winner in November, the implications are clear: Bernie Sanders
can win back Trump voters, because he already has. Elizabeth Warren, by contrast,
has not — and there are real questions about whether she ever can.
Bernie’s First Political
Revolution Ended in Victory
For more than a century after
the Civil War, Vermont was one of the most reliably Republican states in the
country. Its rock-ribbed electorate gave the GOP almost unbroken control over
the state legislature, the governor’s office, Senate seats, and electoral votes
for president. (Vermont was one of just two states in the country never to vote
for Franklin D. Roosevelt..)
By the 1980s, broader economic
and cultural changes, along with significant migration from the Northeastern
seaboard, had begun to reshape the state’s political geography. Yet even as
Democrats like Howard Dean started winning some statewide elections, Vermont
remained a swing state, giving its presidential votes to Ronald Reagan and
George H. W. Bush and electing a Republican state assembly as recently as 2002.
It was in this mixed political
environment — rather than a solidly liberal Democratic state like Massachusetts
or Maryland — that Bernie Sanders emerged as a national figure. Running as an
independent democratic socialist, he won his first election for Vermont’s
statewide congressional seat in November 1990, defeating both the Republican
incumbent and his Democratic challenger — all while the collapse of state
socialism in Eastern Europe was playing out on television day and night.
Bernie Sanders can win back
Trump voters, because he already has.
In the twenty-nine
years since, Sanders has compiled a formidable electoral record. Facing the
enmity of both Vermont’s major parties, and without the support of a national
organization, Sanders has nevertheless won eleven consecutive elections,
becoming, along the way, the most popular senator in
the country with his constituents.Nor have Sanders’s outspoken and
supposedly “radical” political commitments — fighting for workers against the
billionaire class, supporting a national health-care system for all — cost him
in any measurable way. In fact, Sanders has outperformed the national
Democratic ticket in every presidential election year since 1992, often by
large margins.
Matthew Yglesias has laid
out this general history:
In 1992, Sanders got 58
percent to Bill Clinton’s 46 percent (it was a strong state for presidential
candidate Ross Perot, but Bernie also faced a “third-party” challenge from a
In 1996, Sanders got 55
percent to Clinton’s 53 percent.
In 2000, Sanders got 69
percent to Al Gore’s 51 percent.
In 2004, Sanders got 67
percent to John Kerry’s 59 percent.
Sanders was elected to the
Senate in 2006, so he wasn’t on the ballot in 2008 or 2016. But in 2012, he won
71 percent to Obama’s 67 percent.
Sanders Doesn’t Just Survive
in “Obama-Trump” Counties — He Thrives
You might assume that Sanders
outpaced these national Democrats by running up the score in the progressive
stronghold of Burlington, where he served as mayor in the 1980s. But the roots
of Sanders’s distinctive electoral power are deeper and more interesting than
that. Bernie’s greatest strength, compared to Democratic presidential
candidates, has actually come in some of Vermont’s poorest, most rural, and
most conservative areas.
In the rugged northeastern
corner of the state, where household income and education levels lag behind
Vermont averages, Essex, Caledonia, Orleans, and Orange counties voted for
Reagan and H. W. Bush by landslide margins; they remain areas of relative
Republican strength to this day. Yet in every single election from 1992 to
2018, Bernie Sanders has run further ahead of Democrats in these
conservative northeastern counties than in the rest of Vermont:
In 1992, Sanders got 58
percent in northeastern Vermont to Bill Clinton’s 40 percent (an 18-point
difference, compared to 12 points statewide).
In 1996, Sanders got 54 percent
to Clinton’s 49 percent (5 points, compared to 2 points statewide).
In 2000, Sanders got 66
percent to Gore’s 44 percent (22 points, compared to 18 points statewide).
In 2004, Sanders got 66
percent to Kerry’s 52 percent (14 points, compared to 8 points statewide).
In 2012, Sanders got 69
percent to Obama’s 61 percent (8 points, compared to 4 points statewide).
In Vermont’s last two federal
elections, the effect was even more pronounced and spread even farther across
the state. In 2016, Hillary Clinton won a blowout victory in Vermont, but her
large majority was highly uneven: in five mostly rural counties (Essex,
Caledonia, Orleans, Rutland, and Franklin) she won less than 50 percent of the
vote, with Trump running a strong second everywhere and actually defeating her
in Essex County, the very poorest corner of the state.
Two years later, Sanders won
his Senate reelection campaign against Republican Lawrence Zupan with a 67 percent
majority statewide. In the richest and bluest parts of Vermont, including
greater Burlington, he ran basically even with Clinton in the two-way contest
against their respective Republican opponents. But in those same five
conservative counties, where Hillary won just 44 percent of the total vote —
running neck and neck with Trump — Bernie earned an outright 58 percent
Looking even more closely at
the 2018 election results, the pattern grows stronger. Sixty-one Vermont towns
voted for Trump, nearly all of them in struggling communities with wealth and
education levels far
behind the national average. Many of these places, both in their
demographic profile and in their experience of economic hardship, resemble the
small towns and rural areas in the upper midwestern states of Michigan and
Two American Towns, One Clear
Consider, as just one example,
a tale of two Troys. In the very small towns of Troy, Orleans County, Vermont,
and Troy, Newaygo County, Michigan, the population is overwhelmingly white; the
median household income is under $40,000 a year; fewer than 12 percent of
residents have college degrees; and blue-collar jobs in agriculture,
construction, manufacturing, retail, and services employ the majority of the
community’s workers.
In 2008 and 2012, Barack Obama
won both towns with ease, but in 2016, Trump captured both Troy, Vermont and
Troy, Michigan — carrying the Vermont town by a 6-point margin. Write-in votes
for “Bernie Sanders,” however, accounted for 12 percent of the town’s ballots
(versus 6 percent statewide). Two years later, Sanders himself reclaimed
windswept Troy, winning 55 percent of the vote.
Bernie’s greatest strength has
come in some of Vermont’s poorest, most rural, and most conservative areas.
Of these 61 Trump towns in
Vermont, many of them resembling the two Troys, Sanders won 47. (By comparison,
of 91 Trump towns in Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren won back only four.)
Taking all these towns collectively, Hillary lost to Trump in 2016 by 8 percent
of the two-party vote; Bernie won it back two years later by more than 10
percent — a dramatic 18-point shift from Trump to Sanders.To some extent, these
figures reflect a decline in Vermont Republican enthusiasm from the 2016
presidential election to the 2018 race, when Sanders faced off against Zupan’s
no-hope campaign. Yet even with lower overall turnout, in an uncompetitive
midterm, Sanders still won thousands more votes than Hillary Clinton had
managed — and they came, disproportionately, from the most conservative,
Trump-leaning parts of the state.
Warren Is One of the Least
Popular Senators in America — Bernie Is the Most Popular Senator in America
One could argue that Vermont’s
shift from 2016 to 2018 was not so uncommon. Well-known incumbent senators
often outperform their
party’s presidential candidates on home turf, and 2018 was a blue-wave year:
though few did as well as Sanders, nearly every sitting Democratic senator ran
well ahead of Hillary Clinton.
But there were three
exceptions: Dianne Feinstein in California, who ran against another Democrat;
Bob Menendez in New Jersey, who had been indicted three times in federal court
— and Elizabeth Warren, who actually ran further behind Clinton than
Warren’s electoral struggles
in Massachusetts are no secret. While Sanders is the most popular senator in
the country in his home state, Warren is among the least popular.
Despite her boasts at Tuesday’s debate, at the Massaschusetts ballot box, her
record is weaker than every other Democrat who has won a statewide election for
national office this century, including Obama, Ed Markey, John Kerry (as
senator and president), and Ted Kennedy.
Warren’s performance in 2018
shows that while she was weak almost everywhere, she was especially weak in the
most conservative parts of Massachusetts.
Nor can we simply chalk up
Warren’s weak results to a Massachusetts prejudice against female candidates.
She not only underperformed Hillary Clinton; in her
2018 election against long-shot Republican Geoff Diehl, Warren ran
more than nine
points behind state attorney general Maura Healey, seven points behind
state treasurer Deborah Goldberg, and two points behind state auditor Suzanne
Bump — a major embarrassment for a senator with such a large national
profile.Warren’s Massachusetts problems are so glaring that even sympathetic
voices in the liberal media, from Vox to
the New
York Times, have covered them in depth. Election number-crunchers are even
more brutally direct about her struggles at the ballot box. As Cook Political
Report editor David Wasserman put
it last summer:
The fact that Warren
underperformed Hillary Clinton in 228 of Massachusetts’s 351 towns, and did so
in a blue wave year, speaks to her weakness with working-class white voters on
the ballot. Many parts of Massachusetts are culturally more similar to
Wisconsin or Michigan than they are to Cambridge or Boston or Amherst. And that
has to be a serious concern for next November.
A deeper look at Warren’s
performance in 2018 shows that while she was weak almost everywhere, she was
especially weak in the most conservative parts of Massachusetts. Among the
state’s fifty largest towns that voted for Trump, Warren lost all fifty of
In fact, she was pummeled even
worse than Hillary Clinton: collectively, in these towns (which account for
about a fifth of the state’s population), Clinton lost the two-way vote by 8
percent. Warren lost it by 11 percent. In other words, while Bernie Sanders won
back an 18-point net gain in Vermont’s Trump towns, Warren produced a 3-point
loss in Massachusetts.
We Know Warren Will Get
Clobbered in “Obama-Trump” Counties —Because She Already Did
Some of Warren’s biggest
losses came in Massachusetts’s wealthiest conservative suburbs, which voted for
Mitt Romney, then swung toward Clinton, and then swung back again to the
Republicans. But Warren struggled in less affluent areas, too. Take the ten
largest Massachusetts Trump towns with household incomes under the state
average — middle-class suburbs like Agawam and Ludlow, outside Springfield.
Obama won eight of them in 2012. But Warren lost all ten, by roughly the same
margin as Clinton had.
At FiveThirtyEight,
Nathaniel Rakich has offered the
most detailed look at Warren’s town-level performance in 2018. While
he carefully documented Warren’s struggles in “elite suburbs,” Rakich also
argued that her relative strength in ten specific Western Massachusetts towns
showed that “she could win back Obama-Trump voters.” But this is deeply
The ten Western Massachusetts
towns where Warren did better than Clinton are, in fact, mostly tiny vacation
communities in the Berkshires, many of them “fairly bohemian”
places, as Rakich admits. In scenic villages like Cummington, Wendell, and
Sandisfield, where Warren ran ahead of Clinton, around 40 percent of residents
have college degrees, and a plurality of workers are employed in management,
business, science, and arts jobs.
There’s a reason why the Boston
Symphony Orchestra spends the entire summer in this corner of Western
Massachusetts: it is neither economically, culturally, nor politically similar
to Obama-Trump areas elsewhere in New England or the Midwest.
Most fatally for Rakich’s
argument, none of these supposed “Obama-Trump” towns actually voted
for Trump: although they swung somewhat toward the Republicans compared to
2012, they all voted heavily for Clinton, who won nearly 70 percent of their
collective two-party vote. Warren’s strength in these singular Western
Massachusetts enclaves says almost nothing about her ability to win voters in
places that actually flocked to Trump four years ago.
A better way to assess
Warren’s electoral record with white, working-class communities is to look at
the ten least affluent Massachusetts towns that voted for Trump in 2016. It is
here, in former mill towns like Ware, Athol, and Webster, that employment
patterns, income, and education levels more closely match the kind of districts
that Democrats must win in the Midwest.
Warren has perhaps the weakest
electoral record in the Senate — and it is weakest in precisely the areas where
Democrats must be strong in order to win in 2020.
And here Warren also struggled
mightily. In aggregate, while Clinton had lost these ten towns by about 10
percent of the two-party vote, Warren lost them by about 7 percent. She was not
beaten quite so badly here as in the wealthier and middle-class Trump towns,
but still she was beaten, and it wasn’t close.These were eminently winnable
working-class areas: Obama had carried nine of the ten towns in 2012, and in
the same 2018 election, Maura Healey reclaimed eight for the Democrats. Warren
carried just one.
In this context, Warren’s
attempt to identify herself with other female politicians makes sense: plenty
of Democratic women, including her primary rival Amy Klobuchar, have genuinely
strong track records when it comes to winning votes in Trump country. The most
impressive of all is probably Wisconsin senator Tammy Baldwin, who, far
more than Klobuchar, was targeted by the right-wing
donor class, but won a blowout
reelection victory anyway.
Baldwin, like Sanders, is a
long-time champion of Medicare
for All. And, like Sanders, she has managed to take her populist
message to Trump-voting small towns and rural areas and win them back
for the Democrats.
Elizabeth Warren has done none
of the above. Her problem is not that she is a woman or a progressive; it is
that she is a weak candidate.
Warren Wouldn’t Just Lose to
Trump — She Could Doom the Entire Progressive Project for a Generation
In the final weeks before the
Iowa caucus, a
majority of the Democratic electorate remains more concerned
with electability than
any other question. Which Democrat can beat Trump? Who can win crucial swing
voters, and bring in crucial new voters, to win in November?
On this key question, the
mainstream media typically puts Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in the same
category. Both are “left-wing” candidates who may hope to fire up a
“progressive” base, but who risk alienating moderates and swing voters.
In fact, Sanders and Warren
are on exact opposite sides of the electability spectrum. Ideology aside, polls
show that in a contest with Trump, Sanders wins
the most independent voters of the entire Democratic field; Warren
wins the least. In the key
battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, Sanders
runs far ahead of Warren, too.
And in terms of their
electoral history, these two progressives are practically on different planets.
When it comes to winning in conservative districts, and reclaiming the voters
that Clinton lost to Trump, Sanders surpasses or rivals any Democrat in the country.
Warren, meanwhile, has perhaps the weakest electoral record in the Senate — and
it is weakest in precisely the areas where Democrats must be strong
in order to win in 2020.
The media may treat Sanders
and Warren the same way on the electability issue, but progressive voters
should not. Winning matters. A general election loss to Trump would not just
doom the country to another four years of cruel and fraudulent Republican rule.
It could fix the stain of defeat on otherwise popular causes like Medicare for
All and universal student debt relief if the losing Democratic candidate is a
supposed “progressive.”
Nominating Elizabeth
Warren, as
I argued in the fall, is a bad bet for the long-term future of the
Democratic Party, accelerating its evolution into an organization dominated by
the professional classes. But in the short term, it is even more dangerous than
Warren’s political
judgment and instincts, across
the 2020 campaign, have already raised many red
flags. But her weak electoral record is not just a red flag — it’s a
blaring red siren that we cannot afford to ignore.
If voters are looking for a
candidate who supports health care, jobs, and education for all — and who can
also beat Donald Trump — there is only one choice, and his name is Bernie
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