Friday, December 6, 2019

Timeline Of Andrew Johnson’s Impeachment

The impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump has renewed focus on that of Andrew Johnson, the 17th U.S. president and the first to be impeached by the House. The Onion takes a look back at the timeline of President Johnson’s impeachment.
June 8, 1864:

Johnson selected as Abraham Lincoln’s running mate to balance ticket with someone who would completely fuck up post–Civil War reconstruction.

February 22, 1866:

Johnson endears self to Congress by expressing firm belief that Civil War just one big misunderstanding and nothing really needs to change.

March 1, 1867:

Johnson sets out to be impeached after realizing it only way we’d still be talking about him today.

February 21, 1868:

Johnson’s unlawful removal of Edwin Stanton as secretary of war without congressional consent sets important precedent for impeaching president on very specific technicality instead of overarching project of oppression and violence.

February 24, 1868:

House impeaches Johnson for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a clear and specific designation everyone immediately understands.

February 25, 1868:

Johnson’s mugshot taken.

April 9, 1868:

Johnson goes around handing out series of pamphlets about key participants in impeachment trial during their statements.

April 11, 1868:

Democrat opposition subpoenas Abraham Lincoln’s corpse in reference to claims that it was his fault for dying in first place.

May 16, 1868:

Senator Edmund Ross (R-KS) makes still-baffling decision to vote for acquittal because he thinks it right thing to do, rather than because he thinks it will help his political career. He then loses reelection bid like an idiot.

May 26, 1868:

Senate acquits Johnson of all articles, sending strong message that violating Constitution is fine

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