In Iowa and New Hampshire,
Barack Obama won over high-income liberals. Bernie Sanders’s campaign points in
a different direction.
by Matt
As we barrel down the
homestretch to the Iowa caucuses, left-wing poll-watchers everywhere should
allow themselves a moment to enjoy the sound of professional pundits proven
disastrously wrong.
“Hillary Clinton is the most
dominant nonincumbent ever,” declared Slate’s John Dickerson, reporting from Iowa one
year ago. “Democrats like Gov. Martin O’Malley and Sen. Bernie Sanders are
making moves, but few local activists even pretend that they are serious
challengers to Clinton.” Harry Enten, adopting the FiveThirtyEight house style of a precocious child reading
statistics from the back of a baseball card, concluded last April that
Clinton’s “path to the nomination looks easier than anything we’ve ever seen
before.” Sanders, on the other hand, was “a self-described socialist” — a
sufficient disqualification for Enten to spend less time contemplating his
candidacy than the threat posed by Lincoln Chafee.
Now, in the week before voting
begins, Sanders finds himself in the unlikely position of early-state
frontrunner: polls show him neck-and-neck with Clinton in Iowa and far ahead of her in New Hampshire.
Yet in fairness to the
commentators, their analysis only reflected the overwhelming balance of forces
within the political system. By early 2015, the leadership of the Democratic
Party had determined to nominate Hillary Clinton with a degree of unanimity
unparalleled in recent history. In April 2007, Enten reported, Clinton had won
the endorsement of just one Democratic senator; by April 2015, she had already
secured the support of twenty-seven senators, far more early endorsements than
even Al Gore received as Bill Clinton’s sitting vice president.
From a Beltway perspective,
meanwhile, Sanders was an undeniably fringe figure. “Socialist to Snap at
Clinton’s Heels,” barked The Hill, in an article that compared Sanders to the
punchless candidacies of Dennis Kucinich and Al Sharpton. Before he began to
campaign, the Vermont senator barely registered with the Democratic electorate.
Even in neighboring New
Hampshire, four February polls showed Clinton leading by an average of 47
percentage points. In Iowa, meanwhile, pre-campaign poll results resembled
early-season college football scores: NBC found Clinton ahead by the modest margin of 68 to 7,
while PPP put it at 62 to 14.
Sanders announced his
candidacy at the end of April. In the nine months since, the race has been
defined by two interlocking phenomena — surprisingly expansive and durable
grassroots support for Sanders, matched only by the increasingly fierce and
coordinated elite support for Clinton.
Truck Drivers for Bernie
Given Clinton’s gigantic early
lead, and her built-in advantages of name recognition, cash in hand, and
establishment backing, it was remarkable how quickly Sanders closed the gap in
the early-voting states. It is in the nature of things for frontrunners to
falter, and challengers to catch up, but virtually no one predicted that by
June 2015 — after just two months of hard campaigning — Sanders would have cut
Clinton’s margin in New Hampshire to single digits.
Yet even in August, when
Sanders took his first lead in the Granite State, most pundits remained
skeptical. The relevant parallels were now no longer Kucinich and Sharpton but
Bill Bradley in 2000 (according to the Wall Street Journal) or Howard Dean in 2004 (according to Roll Call) — “progressive” primary darlings whose momentum
flared out in Iowa and New Hampshire. Given Sanders’s presumed dependence on a
narrow caste of emotional liberals, journalists and data analysts agreed, he
would find it difficult to sustain his momentum through to election day.
In the past month, with
Sanders’s strength in Iowa and New Hampshire stubbornly growing, commentators
have finally begun to compare Sanders to an actual primary winner — Barack
Obama. Sanders, like Obama in 2008, has challenged Clinton by mobilizing young
and first-time voters — a valuable if notoriously precarious demographic base. Heading into Iowa,
the question animating professional poll-watchers is whether Sanders can follow
the Obama path to early-state victory.
Yet this is the wrong way to
approach the Sanders phenomenon. A good deal of evidence suggests that
Sanders has assembled a rather different kind of voter coalition than any
primary challenger of the past generation — that he is the rare “progressive”
candidate who can actually win over white working-class voters.
Recent Democratic primary
upstarts have appealed above all to a highly motivated liberal base — voters
who were generally well-informed, well-educated, and well-off. In 2000, exit
polls showed that the only bracket of voters Bill Bradley won in Iowa were
those with incomes over $75,000 a year; in New Hampshire, he only won voters
making over $100,000.
In the 2008 caucus, both Obama and John Edwards significantly
over-performed their overall Iowa numbers with voters making over $100,000,
while underperforming with voters making less than $50,000. It was Hillary
Clinton, though she finished third in the overall caucus, who outdid her
overall numbers with Iowans at the lower end of the income distribution.
In New Hampshire, where Clinton staged a surprise comeback
victory, she again overperformed among voters making less than $50,000 —
winning them over Obama by a margin of 47 to 32 percent. Perhaps even more
telling was Clinton’s victory among voters who said they were “falling behind
financially”: she won them, 43 to 33, while Obama swept voters who said they
were “getting ahead,” 48 to 32 percent.
The young liberals who flocked
to Obama in 2008, in other words, were economically both comfortable and
confident. All signs so far suggest that Bernie Sanders’s Iowa and New
Hampshire youth revolt is of a very different character.
Unfortunately the data is
patchier than it should be, since even in an election where questions of class
have dominated the debate, pollsters prefer to ask voters where they fit into
the vague and arbitrary categories of “liberal,” “moderate,” and
“conservative,” rather than requesting hard information about income and
Still, it’s possible to see
some patterns. In Iowa, a September Quinnipiac poll showed Sanders with a nineteen point lead
over voters making less than $30,000, while Clinton led voters making over
$100,000 by fourteen points. This week another Quinnipiac survey gave Sanders a four point lead
overall, while showing income divisions sharpening even further:
Perhaps the most suggestive
shard of Iowa data came in a recent Monmouth poll, which shows Clinton far ahead among voters
who drive a sedan or SUV, and Sanders holding a solid lead among wagon and
truck drivers. (Martin O’Malley, beautifully, did his best among
coupe/convertible and motorcycle drivers.)
In New Hampshire, where more
pollsters have gathered income data, the evidence is even clearer. Across seven
polls since October, Sanders has outperformed his overall numbers among voters
making less than $50,000 by an average of 5.5 points. Clinton’s most stalwart
support, meanwhile, has come from voters making at least six figures.
Why does this matter? One
striking difference between Sanders and Obama, as Jedediah Purdy has
noted, is that the Sanders campaign is about the platform, not the
candidate. Another striking difference is that Sanders has forged
connections to lower-income New Hampshire and Iowa Democrats that eluded Obama
and every other progressive primary challenger in recent history.
Sanders has done it by
offering a substantial rather than rhetorical “progressive” vision. His call to
break up the big banks, install a $15 minimum wage, and provide single-payer
health care for all — however mild as “democratic socialism” goes — represents
an aggressive economic populism exiled from the national Democratic Party for
decades. Certainly Sanders’s program far exceeds the universally timid and
deficit-focused reforms on offer from Bradley, Dean, and Obama.
Sanders may well have won intense
backing from the professional and technical workers that John Judis described at a campaign rally last fall, and that Michael
Harrington long
hoped might embrace democratic socialism. But the polls suggest that
Sanders’s program has also proven immensely appealing to a younger but
less affluent and more traditional Democratic white working class: not just
hybrid owners, but truck drivers, too.
Beyond Iowa and New Hampshire
Of course, all of this might
not be enough for Sanders to win the nomination. So far, he has failed to win
substantial support from the nonwhite lower-income voters outside of Iowa and
New Hampshire who must form the bedrock of any genuinely progressive democratic
coalition. Black and Latina voters in South Carolina and Nevada, as media
analysts have tirelessly observed, have not begun to feel the Bern.
Yet this probably reflects the
particular dynamics of Sanders’s underdog campaign, rather than any rigid
limits to his appeal. Forced to concentrate on the two earliest states simply
to appear on the electoral radar, Sanders has not been able to devote
comparable resources to other, less lily-white places. The consequence is that
nonwhite voters have been less exposed to Sanders’s economic program.
A September CBS poll, for instance, showed that 35 percent of black
South Carolina voters believed that a Sanders administration would “favor the
rich”; only 12 percent believed that he would “favor the poor.” Just 10 percent
of black and 24 percent of white voters, meanwhile, thought that Goldman
Sachs’s favorite Democrat, Hillary Clinton, would “favor the rich.”
To challenge a well-known,
well-financed, and strongly backed establishment favorite like Hillary Clinton,
there is no substitute for ground-level campaigning. In Iowa and New Hampshire,
where Sanders spent a combined fifty-five days in 2015, he has succeeded in
introducing himself to lower-income voters and mobilizing them behind his
message. In South Carolina, where he spent only ten days, his message has
barely gotten out at all.
More recently, there are signs
that Clinton’s strength among black voters has begun
to melt away. With nearly a month between the Iowa caucuses and the South
Carolina primary, and just 52 percent of likely black voters
“enthusiastic” about their candidate, it may well dissolve even further. Recent
Sanders endorsements from South Carolina state representative Justin Bamberg, the lawyer for the family of Walter Scott,
and Natalie Jackson, the lawyer for the family of Trayvon
Martin, suggest progress for the campaign.
Yet even if Sanders himself
proves unable to close the gap, it is worth considering the significance of
what he has already demonstrated: that the blunt embrace of social-democratic
politics, combined with intense day-to-day campaigning, can capture the support
of lower-income white Democrats.
Sanders’s achievement
threatens to transform the internal dynamics within the Democratic Party.
What does it mean for the
future of Democratic politics if black and Latina voters have become the
last-ditch “firewall” for the party’s elite?
It may be that southern black
voters truly are as economically conservative as the South Carolina polling makes them out to be, strongly preferring Clinton to
Sanders on Wall Street reform, health care, and taxes. But it is more likely,
as even
Sanders critics have acknowledged, that “marginalized electorates” tend to
vote cautiously for practical rather than ideological reasons.
The same logic, after all,
applied to lower-income white voters in Iowa and New Hampshire who gave their
support to Gore, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton in 2008. These seasoned
frontrunners won over the working class not by tacking left on economic issues,
but by projecting an image of competence and electability, while occasionally
casting their opponents as out-of-touch outsiders. This is again the Clinton
strategy in 2016.
Through hard campaigning,
Sanders has already shattered this paradigm in Iowa and New Hampshire, and
there is reason to believe that he can do it again. In 1988 Jesse Jackson won
over cautious nonwhite voters while running on an economic platform that included single-payer health
care, progressive taxation, and strong labor laws. Bernie Sanders, virtually
alone among white elected Democrats, endorsed Jackson.
In the end Jackson’s Rainbow
Coalition was derailed by the universal hostility of the party elite and the
skepticism of white Democrats. But the improbable success of Sanders’s campaign
— the first since Jackson to embrace a similar program, and the first to win
over lower-income whites while doing it — raises the very tangible prospect of
a new alliance of working-class voters.
Whether that alliance develops
around Sanders in 2016, or around some future candidate — inside or outside the
party — Democratic elites have every
reason to be nervous.
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