Saturday, November 24, 2012

Canadian Greeks Disavow Golden Dawn Extremists

By Christina Flora on October 20, 2012 In Politics

Greeks living in living in Montreal say they are worried and disturbed by the recent appearance of the Greek neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party in Canada, shortly after it opened an office in New York as part of a plan to reach out to the Diaspora for support for its racist, anti-immigrant, anti-gay, anti-Semitic, anti-bailout, ultra-religious agenda.

Nicholas Pagonis, President of the Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal, made his opinion clear: “Golden Dawn is a neo-Nazi party,” he said in a phone interview. “It’s a racist party. It’s anti-immigrant and (the party in Greece) has adopted violence as part of their activities.”

He said that his organization, which runs Greek educational, religious and charitable institutions across Montreal, will be reserving a special part of next week’s meeting to discuss the city’s chapter of Golden Dawn.”Golden Dawn has no place here,” he said.

At the same time The American Hellenic Progressive Association (AHEPA) disavowed Golden Dawn’s appearance in Canada. “Fascism has no place in Canada, where people including Greeks fight against violence and Fascism during Second World War,” it stated. AHEPA was founded 90 years ago to protect people from rascist actions and conflicts caused by the racist Ku Klux Klan in the U.S.

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