Saturday, May 19, 2012

The crisis of Europe Slavoj Žižek

The second theoretical part of the program of Subversive Festival started in Zagreb on Sunday with round-table talks called “The crisis of Europe”. The participants were Slavoj Zizek and Tariq Ali.

The next day there was a debate on the topic “The crisis of Europe: What’s wrong with Europe? The European resistance: Is different Europe possible?” Among others there were Samir Amin, Bernard Cassen and Eric Toussaint taking part in the debate. These debates of Subversive Forum are held every day from 10 am to 5 pm in ZKM. All those who are interested are invited to participate in debates and take part in the program.

The main part of program was held in the Europa Cinema where there was a book presentation. The book by Slavoj Zizek was presented in a talk which he gave together with Ankica Cakardic. The book is called “Living at the end of time”. It shows and proves that the capitalism which we live today is not sustainable and that it is time for changes. These changes can only happen by redefining the communism.

After that there was a lecture by Slavoj Zizek called “The signs from the future”. He is one of the best known contemporary philosophers. He thinks that the events like Occupy Wall Street, Arab Spring, demonstrations in Greece, Spain and other countries should be read as signs from the future. These radical movements of emancipation shouldn’t be analyzed as a part of continuum past/present. The perspective of future should be introduced into the analysis. So, these events should be analyzed as limited, distorted and sometimes even perverted fragments of utopian future. It is lying asleep in the present as its hidden potential.

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