Sunday, November 15, 2020

With Biden in Power, Beware the Neoliberal Backlash

Grassroots organizers and Black voters led Biden to victory. Our concerns and demands must be taken seriously.


Amer­i­can vot­ers have giv­en the for­mer slum­lord Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump an evic­tion notice to vacate 1600 Penn­syl­va­nia Avenue. He will not leave with­out a fight, but he will even­tu­al­ly leave. For many of us, the past four years have been a hell­ish eter­ni­ty. So, we should allow our­selves a lit­tle cel­e­bra­to­ry relief.

But after the par­ty, we have to pre­pare for a neolib­er­al back­lash. The cor­po­rate Democ­rats are already talk­ing ​“rec­on­cil­i­a­tion” and ​“nor­mal­iza­tion” at the expense of the Left and the Black Lives Mat­ter move­ment. Rather than thank­ing grass­roots groups and Black women vot­ers for show­ing up in large num­bers, the cen­trists with­in the par­ty (backed by lib­er­al media pun­dits) are blam­ing the Left for short­falls in down-bal­lot races.

In a con­tentious three-hour phone call among House Democ­rats on Novem­ber 5, for­mer CIA offi­cer Rep. Abi­gail Span­berg­er (Va.) and South Carolina’s king­mak­er Rep. James Clyburn blamed ​“defund the police” and ​“social­ism” for the lack­lus­ter show­ing in House races across the coun­try. A les­son for the Left: No mat­ter how much you help them and com­pro­mise, you can­not please cen­trist lib­er­als unless you shut up and disappear.

We will not shut up or dis­ap­pear, and pro­gres­sive orga­niz­ers have no apolo­gies to make in this elec­toral sea­son. Rep. Rashi­da Tlaib (Mich.) indi­cat­ed as much on the call when she said, ​“Don’t blame myself and oth­ers who are fight­ing for issues that mat­ter to our communities.”

The fact is that a mas­sive get-out-the-vote effort, fueled by pro­gres­sives and BIPOC orga­niz­ers, cre­at­ed the largest vot­er turnout in his­to­ry, despite a weak Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee and a wors­en­ing pan­dem­ic. Groups such as The Front­line, Pro­tect the Vote, Unit­ed We Dream and the Fight Back Table waged prag­mat­ic, strate­gic and relent­less cam­paigns to suc­cess­ful­ly oust Trump. Biden must know he owes his vic­to­ry to the Left and Black vot­ers, and as such, we will not be silenced or rel­e­gat­ed to the margins.

Despite the Left’s instru­men­tal role in Biden’s vic­to­ry, cen­trists and lib­er­al media are call­ing for Biden to reach out, instead, to the Right.

In his vic­to­ry speech Novem­ber 7, Biden fore­ground­ed the impor­tance of uni­ty and reach­ing across the aisle — but that ​“aisle” is now an alli­ga­tor-filled moat, and Biden is more like­ly to throw left forces and mar­gin­al­ized com­mu­ni­ties to the alli­ga­tors than give us a seat at the table. It would not be sur­pris­ing if Biden starts build­ing a pro­file as ​“tough on the rad­i­cal Left” with a con­cil­ia­to­ry tone toward the anti-Trump, so-called main­stream of the GOP.

CNN hosts Van Jones and Repub­li­can Rick San­to­rum said as much on a post-elec­tion round­table. ​“I think Joe Biden wants us to reset,” and ​“sit down at the same table,” Jones said. Biden-sup­port­ing Repub­li­can poster boy John Kasich went fur­ther, say­ing the ​“far Left … almost cost [Biden] this elec­tion” and call­ing for Biden to reject the Left and embrace the cen­ter (i.e. the Right). His­to­ri­an Mark Upde­grove, speak­ing on ABC, made the out­ra­geous asser­tion that Biden should mod­el him­self after Pres­i­dent Abra­ham Lin­coln, who extend­ed his hand to for­mer Con­fed­er­ates after the Civ­il War. Lin­coln ​“set so many pres­i­den­tial stan­dards,” Upde­grove said. ​“He reached out to the van­quished South, to the for­mer Con­fed­er­ates … with mal­ice toward none, with char­i­ty for all … and brought them back into the fold.” (Trans­la­tion: Lincoln’s first impulse was to make amends with those who kid­napped, enslaved and ter­ror­ized Black peo­ple through­out the South from 1619 to 1865 and fought a bloody war try­ing to pre­serve their priv­i­lege to do so. What would the 21st-cen­tu­ry ver­sion of that lead­er­ship look like?)

But this stance should be no sur­prise, giv­en this country’s his­tor­i­cal prece­dents. In the heat­ed and con­test­ed pres­i­den­tial elec­tion of 1876, (for­mer Con­fed­er­ate) Democ­rats agreed to sup­port abo­li­tion­ist Repub­li­can Ruther­ford B. Hayes over their nom­i­nee, Samuel Tilden — on the con­di­tion that the last ves­tiges of Recon­struc­tion be aban­doned. U.S. troops, pro­tect­ing a frag­ile Black free­dom, would soon be pulled out of the South. Essen­tial­ly, Black peo­ple were not thrown under a bus so much as in front of a fast-mov­ing train. That sce­nario is what a lib­er­al-con­ser­v­a­tive com­pro­mise looked like in the 19th cen­tu­ry. Let’s make sure we are not the sac­ri­fi­cial lambs in the 21st.

Juan Williams insist­ed right­ly on Fox News that the Democ­rats have elect­ed a mod­er­ate, not a pro­gres­sive. And it’s true: Biden opposed bussing for school deseg­re­ga­tion, rejects Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, defends the envi­ron­men­tal­ly destruc­tive prac­tice of frack­ing and boasts of his rela­tion­ship with Repub­li­can con­ser­v­a­tive seg­re­ga­tion­ist col­leagues in the Sen­ate. These mark­ers reveal the per­son Biden is. Biden is also a per­son who humil­i­at­ed Ani­ta Hill when she stepped for­ward with sex­u­al harass­ment alle­ga­tions against Clarence Thomas, who sup­port­ed the racist 1994 crime bill, who helped ush­er in the dis­as­trous war in Iraq, and who told Black peo­ple we ​“ain’t” Black if we don’t sup­port him. And he was still the bet­ter candidate.

But Biden was not elect­ed to make friends with the spine­less Repub­li­cans who took our coun­try to the brink of fas­cism, and embrac­ing oli­garchs and white nation­al­ists is not ​“uni­ty.” Remem­ber the vile­ness of Trump’s hard­core sup­port­ers — those who plot­ted to kid­nap a gov­er­nor, who killed Black Lives Mat­ter pro­test­ers in Kenosha and Char­lotte, who sup­port Steve Ban­non call­ing for infec­tious dis­ease expert Antho­ny Fau­ci to be behead­ed. There is no kum­baya moment with peo­ple like that.

Biden was elect­ed to undo as much dam­age from the Trump rĂ©gime as pos­si­ble and pave a new way. Oba­ma squan­dered too much of his time in office try­ing to get racist Repub­li­cans to love him, which they nev­er did. Biden has to be pres­sured to use the pow­er of the office immediately.

What we need is an aggres­sive racial and eco­nom­ic jus­tice agen­da that rights long­stand­ing wrongs, dethrones the bil­lion­aires, spreads the wealth, cre­ates a stur­dier nation­al infra­struc­ture and revers­es our dan­ger­ous cli­mate poli­cies. Biden’s cab­i­net appoint­ments should be bold, not the usu­al insid­er crony­ism. We have to push for tough and com­mit­ted move­ment rep­re­sen­ta­tives, not politi­cians inclined to suck up to House Speak­er Nan­cy Pelosi (Calif.) to advance their careers.

Closed-door nego­ti­a­tions will not press Biden to do the right thing, but unre­lent­ing orga­niz­ing could: march­es, vig­ils, direct action and labor strikes. Police reform and account­abil­i­ty is on the front burn­er of munic­i­pal­i­ties across the coun­try because a mass move­ment put it there, forc­ing politi­cians to respond. Trump’s four-year reign has led to enor­mous pain and suf­fer­ing, with more than 238,000 U.S. deaths from a virus that could have been bet­ter con­tained, immi­grant chil­dren locked in cages (who may nev­er see their fam­i­lies again because of inhu­mane bor­der poli­cies) and an evis­cer­a­tion of key gov­ern­ment depart­ments and pro­grams designed to pro­tect and serve the pub­lic good, such as the Nation­al Insti­tutes of Health and Low Income Ener­gy Assis­tance Pro­gram. Trump and his accom­plices need to be put on tri­al for their reck­less and harm­ful actions, rather than embraced.

So, what do our move­ment orga­ni­za­tions need to do? First, we must con­tin­ue the work to defeat Trump­ism. The seeds of ani­mus and racism Trump has sown are still grow­ing, and he is now like­ly to take his vile and ven­om on the road, albeit with­out the weight of state power.

Sec­ond, we must aggres­sive­ly push Biden to enact as pro­gres­sive an agen­da as pos­si­ble, with clear-eyed under­stand­ing that his incli­na­tion will instead be to pla­cate the Repub­li­cans who jumped off the sink­ing GOP ship to sup­port him.

And third, we must build a strong, ide­o­log­i­cal­ly ground­ed mass left move­ment — and pos­si­bly left par­ty — that includes elec­toral work but extends beyond that, such as stand­ing in sol­i­dar­i­ty with the Move­ment for Black Lives and work­ing close­ly with orga­niz­ers and activists to build work­ing-class coali­tions. With a Biden admin­is­tra­tion in Wash­ing­ton and a few strong left voic­es in Con­gress (and Repub­li­cans poten­tial­ly los­ing con­trol of the Sen­ate), pro­gres­sives need to embrace an inside-out­side strat­e­gy — which looks like move­ment peo­ple doing some of their work inside gov­ern­ment and the elec­toral are­na (not as a career but in ser­vice to the cause). I am talk­ing about a more coor­di­nat­ed, over­all left strat­e­gy — not a dog­mat­ic par­ty line — to advance our move­ment goals through par­ty pol­i­tics as well as move­ment building.

We should cel­e­brate Trump’s defeat. We should also acknowl­edge the lim­its and pit­falls of Biden’s vic­to­ry. As Guinean rev­o­lu­tion­ary Amil­car Cabral reminds us: ​“Tell no lies. … Claim no easy [even if hard-fought] vic­to­ries.” Our work continues.

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