Monday, September 30, 2013

Science and the Real

Psychoanalytical Notebooks 27

New Issue, Out Now

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Guest editor: Miquel Bassols


Jacques-Alain Miller – “Psychoanalysis, its place among the sciences” 

Miquel Bassols – “There is no science of the real”

Eric Laurent – “The illusion of scientism, the anguish of scientists” 

Marco Focchi – “Number in science and in psychoanalysis” 

Pierre Skriabine – “Science, the subject and psychoanalysis” 

Philippe La Sagna et al. – “Science and the name of the father”

Esthela Solano-Suarez – “The clinic in the time of the real” 

Francois Ansermet – “Trace and object, between neurosciences and psychoanalysis” 

Guy Briole – “Error and misunderstanding” 

Alfredo Zenoni – “A post-scientific real” 

Jacques-Alain Miller – “Spare parts” 

Pierre Naveau – “Jealousy and the hidden gaze” 

Veronique Voruz – “Reading Catherine M. on jealousy” 

Bogdan Wolf – “Intricacies of the gaze” 

Betty Bertrand-Godfrey – “Jealousy as a name of the father?” 

Laure Naveau – “The other man of his life “

Holly Pester – “I have spoilt a better name than my own…”

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