Monday, December 7, 2009

The Indivisible Remainder (2)

Schelling Prefigues Marxian Motifs

Slavoj Žižek, from
The Indivisible Remainder: On Schelling and Related Matters
(London: Verso, 1996, 2007), the following excerpt is from the 2007 edition, p. 4:

Today, it is clearly established that Schelling prefigures a series of key Marxian motifs, up to Marx's 'revolutionary' reproach to Hegel's dialectics according to which the speculative-dialectical resolution of the contradiction leaves the actual social antagonism intact (Hegel's 'speculative positivism'). The roots of the Marxian problematic of 'commodity fetishism' in Schelling provide another link to this series. That is to say: why, precisely, did Marx choose the term fetishism in order to designate the 'theological whimsy' of the universe of commodities? What one should bear in mind here is that 'fetishism' is a religious term for (previous) 'false' idolatry as opposed to (present) true belief: for the Jews, the fetish is the Golden Calf; for a partisan of pure spirituality, fetishism designates 'primitive' superstition, the fear of ghosts and other spectral apparitions, and so forth. And the point of Marx is that the commodity universe provides the necessary fetishistic supplement to 'official' spirituality: it may well be that the 'official' ideology of our society is Christian spirituality, but its actual foundation is none the less the idolatry of the Golden Calf: money.


  1. OK, yes--only Professor Zizek can make someone as tedious as Schelling really interesting. Too bad that fascist idiot Joseph P. Lawrence probably will never read enough of The Indivisible Remainder to actually learn something. Lawrence--a right-wing Heideggerian--claims to be the foremost "Schelling expert".

  2. 99.9% of "philosophers" in the USA are worse than useless.
